On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK by 6% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.5s.
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK by 7% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.5s.
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK by 8% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.5s.
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK by 9% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.5s.
On hit, Normal or Charged Attacks increase ATK by 10% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can only occur once every 0.5s.
Ascension Phase | lvl | base atk | physical dmg bonus |
0 ✦ | 1 | 39 | 9.6% |
5 | 50 | 11.1% | |
10 | 65 | 13.0% | |
15 | 79 | 15.0% | |
20 | 94 | 16.9% | |
1 ✦ | 20+ | 113 | 16.9% |
25 | 127 | 18.8% | |
30 | 141 | 20.8% | |
35 | 155 | 22.7% | |
40 | 169 | 24.6% | |
2 ✦ | 40+ | 189 | 24.6% |
45 | 202 | 26.5% | |
50 | 216 | 28.5% | |
3 ✦ | 50+ | 236 | 28.5% |
55 | 249 | 30.4% | |
60 | 263 | 32.3% | |
4 ✦ | 60+ | 282 | 32.3% |
65 | 296 | 34.3% | |
40 | 169 | 24.6% | |
5 ✦ | 70+ | 329 | 36.2% |
75 | 342 | 38.1% | |
80 | 355 | 40.1% | |
4 ✦ | 80+ | 375 | 40.1% |
85 | 388 | 42.0% | |
90 | 401 | 43.9% |
Feeling defeated, it dawned on the Skyrider that there are things that swordsmanship cannot achieve. So instead of believing in his swordsmanship, he turned to the sword itself. "Bigger is always better, and swords are no exception," he thought. In the grand Guyun Stone Forest, he embraced his grand ending. His dream of flight came to an end, but his sword and story would never fade...