As the wealthiest gentleman in Mondstadt, the ever-dapper Diluc always presents himself as the epitome of perfection.
But behind the courteous visage burns a zealous soul that has sworn to protect Mondstadt at all costs, allowing him to mercilessly vanquish all who threaten his city.
Name | Diluc |
Title | The Dark Side of Dawn |
Vision | Pyro |
Weapon | Claymore |
Nation | Mondstadt |
Affiliation | Dawn Winery |
Rarity | 5 |
Constellation | Noctua |
Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes.
At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Performs a forward slash that deals Pyro DMG.
This skill can be used 3 times consecutively. Enters CD if not cast again within a short period.
Releases intense flames to knock nearby enemies back, dealing Pyro DMG. The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massive Pyro DMG to all enemies in its path. The Phoenix explodes upon reaching its destination, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG.
The searing flames that run down his blade cause Diluc's Normal and Charged Attacks to deal Pyro DMG for a time.
Diluc's Charged Attack Stamina Cost is decreased by 50%, and its duration is increased by 3s.
The Pyro Enchantment provided by Dawn lasts for 4s longer. Additionally, Diluc gains 20% Pyro DMG Bonus during the duration of this effect.
Refunds 15% of the ores used when crafting Claymore-type weapons.
Diluc deals 15% more DMG to enemies whose HP is above 50%.
When Diluc takes DMG, his Base ATK increases by 10% and his ATK SPD increases by 5%. Lasts for 10s.
This effect can stack up to 3 times and can only occur once every 1.5s.
Increases the Level of Searing Onslaught by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Casting Searing Onslaught in sequence greatly increases damage dealt.
Within 2s of using Searing Onslaught, casting the next Searing Onslaught in the combo deals 40% additional DMG. This effect lasts for the next 2s.
Increases the level of Dawn by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
After casting Searing Onslaught, the next 2 Normal Attacks within the next 6s will have their DMG and ATK SPD increased by 30%.
Additionally, Searing Onslaught will not interrupt the Normal Attack combo.