Genshin Impact

Chongyun Best Build

A young exorcist from a family of exorcists. He does everything he can to suppress his abundance of yang energy.

An exorcist who roams the land with Liyue as his base of operations, evil spirits fleeing wherever he goes. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, these abilities are not the result of training, but of an inborn trait — a pure-yang spirit.

TitleFrozen Ardor
AffiliationLiyue Harbor
ConstellationNubis Caesor

Chongyun Skills Talents



Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Performs up to 4 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack

Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous swirling attacks against all nearby enemies.

At end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack

Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Spirit Blade - Chonghua's Layered Frost

Spirit Blade - Chonghua's Layered Frost

Elemental Skill

Chongyun strikes the ground with his greatsword, causing a Cryo explosion in a circular AoE in front of him that deals Cryo DMG.

After a short delay, the cold air created by the Cryo explosion will coalesce into a Chonghua Frost Field, within which all DMG done through Normal and Charged Attacks by Sword, Greatsword and Polearm-wielding characters will be converted to Cryo DMG.

Spirit Blade - Cloud-parting Star

Spirit Blade - Cloud-parting Star

Elemental Burst

Performing the secret hand seals, Chongyun summons 3 giant spirit blades in mid-air that fall to the earth one by one after a short delay, exploding as they hit the ground.

When the spirit blades explode, they will deal AoE Cryo DMG and launch enemies.

Chongyun Passive Talents

Steady Breathing

Steady Breathing

Unlocked at Ascension 1

Sword, Claymore, or Polearm-wielding characters within the field created by Spirit Blade - Chonghua's Layered Frost have their Normal Attack SPD increased by 8%.

Rimechaser Blade

Rimechaser Blade

Unlocked at Ascension 4

When the field created by Spirit Blade - Chonghua's Layered Frost disappears, another spirit will be summoned to strike nearby enemies, dealing 100% of Chonghua's Layered Frost's Skill DMG as AoE Cryo DMG. Enemies hit by this blade will have their Cryo RES decreased by 10% for 8s.

Gallant Journey

Gallant Journey

Unlocked Automatically

When dispatched on an expedition in Liyue, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Chongyun Constellations

Ice Unleashed
Ice Unleashed
Constellation Lv. 1

The last attack of Chongyun's Normal Attack combo releases 3 ice blades. Each blade deals 50% of Chongyun's ATK as Cryo DMG to all enemies in its path.

Atmospheric Revolution
Atmospheric Revolution
Constellation Lv. 2

Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts cast within the Frost Field created by Spirit Blade - Chongyun's Layered Frost have their CD time decreased by 15%.

Constellation Lv. 3

Increases the Level of Spirit Blade - Cloud-parting Star by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Frozen Skies
Frozen Skies
Constellation Lv. 4

Chongyun regenerates 1 Energy every time he hits an enemy affected by Cold or Frozen status effects.

This effect can only occur once every 2s.

The True Path
The True Path
Constellation Lv. 5

Increases the level of Spirit Blade - Chongyun's Layered Frost by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Rally of Four Blades
Rally of Four Blades
Constellation Lv. 6

Spirit Blade - Cloud-parting Star deals 15% more DMG to enemies with a lower percentage of their Max HP remaining than Chongyun.

This skill will also summon 1 additional spirt blade.