Genshin Impact

Amber Best Build

Always energetic and full of life, Amber's the best - albeit only - Outrider of the Knights of Favonius.

A perky, straightforward girl, who is also the only Outrider of the Knights of Favonius.

Her amazing mastery of the glider has made her a three-time winner of the Gliding Champion in Mondstadt.

As a rising star within the Knights of Favonius, Amber is always ready for any challenging tasks.

TitleGliding Champion
AffiliationKnights of Favonius

Amber Skills Talents



Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack

Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.

While aiming, flames accumulates on the arrowhead. A fully charged flaming arrow will deal Pyro DMG.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Explosive Puppet

Explosive Puppet

Elemental Skill

Baron Bunny

  • Continuously taunts the enemy, drawing their fire.

  • Baron Bunny's HP scales with Amber's Max HP.

  • When destroyed or when its timer expires, Baron Bunny explodes, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.


  • Adjusts the throwing direction of Baron Bunny.

  • The longer the button is held, the further the throw.

Fiery Rain

Fiery Rain

Elemental Burst

Fires of a shower of arrows, dealing continuous AoE Pyro DMG.

Amber Passive Talents

Every Arrow Finds Its Target

Every Arrow Finds Its Target

Unlocked at Ascension 1

Increases the CRIT Rate of Fiery Rain by 10% and widens its AoE by 30%.

Precise Shot

Precise Shot

Unlocked at Ascension 4

Aimed Shot hits on weak spots increase Base ATK by 15% for 10s.

Gliding Champion

Gliding Champion

Unlocked Automatically

Decreases all party members' gliding Stamina Consumption by 20%.

The greatest effect out of all Talents of the same type prevails.

Amber Constellations

One Arrow to Rule Them All
One Arrow to Rule Them All
Constellation Lv. 1

Fires 2 arrows per Aimed Shot. The second arrow deals 20% of the first arrow's DMG.

Bunny Triggered
Bunny Triggered
Constellation Lv. 2

Baron Bunny, new and improved! Hitting Baron Bunny's foot with a fully-charged Aimed Shot manually detonates it.

Explosion via manual detonation deals 200% additional DMG.

It Burns!
It Burns!
Constellation Lv. 3

Increases the Level of Fiery Rain by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

It's Not Just Any Doll...
It's Not Just Any Doll...
Constellation Lv. 4

Decreases Explosive Puppet's CD by 20%. Adds 1 additional charge.

It's Baron Bunny!
It's Baron Bunny!
Constellation Lv. 5

Increase the Level of Explosive Puppet by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Constellation Lv. 6

Fiery Rain increases Amber's Movement SPD by 15% and Base ATK by 15% for 10s.